Dear Warrior of the Heart,


Thank you for courageously walking the path.

We live in a time of great transition.

An old world is dying, a new one is being born.

Leaders are needed now.

You have taken a body on Earth at a critical moment.

This is a precious incarnation during a prophesied time of great unveiling, collapse, revolution, purging, illumination, war.

Who are you *being* right now?

How are you showing up?

Now is the time to live true.

Now is the time to re-enchant Earth.

Now is the time to be Love.

Now is the time to remember God.

Who is Jordan Bates?

Jordan Bates is a man on the Path of the Heart. A man who Loves God, Christ, Family, Life, and Truth. The father of Lila and husband of Tanja, he is a leadership coach, spiritual guide, space holder, heart messenger, rapper, and author of several books.

His life and mystical spirituality are rooted in Direct Heart-Opened Experience and evade categorization, yet he could be called an integral, animistic, non-dual Catholic mystic. He feels a profound closeness to God, Jesus Christ, Catholic/Christian mysticism, and to the lineage of his ancestors, yet he also integrates and celebrates aspects of other traditions/approaches—such as the Advaita Vedanta of Sri Anandamayi Ma & Ramana Maharshi; the Kumankaya Christian medicine path of Remi & Ashley Delaune; the Yoga of Radiant Presence as transmitted by Peter Brown; the Way of Tao as expressed by Lao Tzu; Dzogchen & Zen Buddhism; some forms of traditional indigenous animism & shamanism; and more.

Jordan's quest for Truth has taken him to 33 countries and the far reaches of inner space. A prolific creator, he has freely published 1,000,000+ words online—~300+ articles/essays, three books, and tens of thousands of social media posts. He has also released ~20 rap albums & EPs, ~9 online video courses, and ~200 videos total, including a ~dozen music videos. And he has (co-)created and (co-)led 12 ~week-long entheogenic retreats on two continents, plus ~hundreds of live (online) workshops, 1:1 & group sessions, circles, containers, retreats, performances, and celebrations. His work has reached millions, and he has directly coached & held space for hundreds of people.

Thank you for reading. Jordan would like to leave you with this message:

God is Truth.

God is Freedom.

God is Love.

You can Trust God.

You can Trust Life.

You are Beautiful.



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