Burn down all maps.
Burn down all models.
I don’t care what it is.
Spiral Dynamics.
Hawkins’ Scale of Consciousness.
The Law of One — Densities of Consciousness.
Quantum Physics.
Evolutionary Biology.
Your Parents’ Best Advice.
Your Favorite Teacher’s Core Axioms.
Everything You’ve Ever Read, Including This.
Burn ‘em all down.
They’re not.
Not even close.
Burn them down and go directly to un-map-able Radiance.
Go directly to the Radiance.
Go directly to the indefinable, non-linear Presence that is here.
Go to the Here-ness.
Notice it, bathe in it, melt into it, realize it is the only ‘thing’ that exists.
Once you’ve done that, reclaim the maps and models.
Yet hold them as lightly as possible.
Employ them as useful lenses while realizing they are not IT.
Repeat this process as often as necessary for the duration of your life.
P.S. The Astonishing Miracle of Existence happens a few days from now. Join us.
P.P.S. Your gift month of Infinity Mentorship begins soon. Don’t miss the maiden voyage of this starship.
Jordan Bates is an incinerator of models. Join Infinity Mentorship and The Astonishing Miracle of Existence, if your soul is ready to take the direct joyful path to true wealth and a New Earth.