🦁 Note: My gift of the free 4-week Lion Heart Leadership journey begins in 2 days.
Hold the vision lightly.
There are no ‘wrong answers.’
There’s only feedback to help you recalibrate.
Flow with what arises. Let your spaciousness be free.
“Be formless, shapeless, like water,” as Bruce Lee said.
Because water holds no inherent position of its own, it’s free to fluidly shape-shift into whatever is most skillful in the moment.
Let life be simple.
The moment is an end in itself.
And the moment lives itself.
Notice that you are already the moment living itself.
Let yourself be danced by inherent intelligence.
🦁 Lion Heart Leadership begins in 2 days… 🦁
In Session #1 of this free 4-week course, we'll be diving into First Principles of Creatorship, Leadership, Coaching & Space-Holding, and Sacred Entrepreneurship.
These principles will be fresh and simple crystallizations of these topics that will likely shift and simplify the way you view all of these paths — making them feel more approachable, more natural, more aligned, and more true to the natural expression that flows through you.
One of my key aims through this container is to help you realize that all of life, leadership, creation, space-holding, and business can be viewed as a SIMPLE ART FORM. 🎨
Our innate artistry can flow naturally and joyfully when we trust our hearts, communicate honestly, nurture real community, act from inspiration, share our natural gifts, learn always, & embrace playful experimentation — viewing 'failure' as non-existent.
We are all creators. Our whole life is a blank canvas that we are continuously painting through our being, thoughts, words, actions, whims, and choices. In recognizing that we are already creators, we can more naturally let this creativity flow into any path we are called to pursue. 🌊
If this speaks to you…
Learn more here or join by simply hopping into the official Lion Heart Telegram channel:
Jordan Bates is a dad, husband, mentor of leaders, nondual space-holder, mystic rapper, and author of five books. Consider following his YouTube channel, his other Substack blog, or his music on Spotify.