The Astonishing Miracle of Existence happens THIS SUNDAY. Join us! Even if you can’t make it live, sign up to receive the replays.
“Court the unexpected. Make it weird.”
There’s a great playfulness here.
A weirdness.
A silly-strangeness.
A jolly-laugh-a-licious-ness.
God is perpetually chuckling.
The whole thing is for fun.
The whole thing is a game.
A dance, a show, a theatrical production.
Who could have dreamt this up?
It’s always somehow just like oozing and effulging and sliding and blooming and withering and reformatting.
It’s rather quicksand-like.
Constantly making new pictures then erasing them the moment they appear.
Constantly making the most stunning art in a haphazard and capricious and whimsical and child-like manner.
Then burning it all down and making some more.
What a wacky show.
You can’t ever put it in a finite box.
All definitions are limits.
And THIS has no limits.
You could take any single nanosecond of it and write 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 words about just that one nanosecond, and not even come close to saying what is going on here.
And God chuckles on…
Like a self-dribbling cosmic bouncy ball knockin’ about heaven’s half-acre for the hell of it…
The Divine Swing Set.
Transcendent Jungle Gym.
Holy Carousel.
Next stop: Endlessness.
A Sacred Infinite Butthole pooping out the most glorious llamas, pizzas, squirrels, dragonfruits, orangutans, BBQ pulled pork sandwiches, otters, mole enchiladas, golden doodles, Mom’s meatballs & creamed corn & twice-baked mashed potatoes, anacondas, tikka masala, blue whales, burritos, honey badgers, and bacon cheeseburgers…
It’s like Noah’s Ark multiplied by a trillion out here.
All of this just popping into existence out of sheer nothingness all the time.
And meanwhile we humans somehow manage to convince ourselves that it’s just humdrum and normal and boring and “how life is.”
So peculiar, man.
THIS has so many disguises.
It pretends to be endless novel creations.
Including the novel creation of humans finding the whole thing rather mundane.
THIS is playful.
With a gnarly sense of humor.
Loves all shades: Black humor, vanilla humor, nonsense humor, tragicomedy, slapstick, irony, silliness, you name it…
It’s not actually threatening.
It only appears that way sometimes.
It’s like a big multiverse-sized puppy that’s just kinda loping around all excitedly…
And sometimes clumsily breaks a few eggs here and there…
Luckily the eggs in truth are made of the ever unstained and unbreakable.
So all is well.
And God chuckles on…
P.S. I’ve been publishing a lot lately. The words are really pouring through. Any feedback? How are you liking this? What would you like to see more (or less) of? What subjects would you like me to address? Thank you for existing. 💙
P.P.S. The Astonishing Miracle of Existence Retreat is this Sunday!! This no-cost party is a gift to all sentient creatures. Be sure to join us, fam.
Jordan Bates is infinite playfulness. Join his Infinity Mentorship community on Telegram.