Love is the Answer.
The Final Answer.
The answer to everything.
The answer to all of mankind’s woes.
Love is the Answer.
Love is the Path.
Love is the way, the truth, and the light.
Love is what it's all about.
Trust the Love of your Heart.
Trust your pure Heart resonance above all else.
Allow your Heart's Love to continue expanding and expanding, to embrace all of Creation.
There is no end to this blossoming of Love.
There is only endless expansion into ever more boundless Love.
Infinities upon infinities upon infinities of Love.
Limitless super-oceans of Love enfold you at all times.
I humbly submit to you that we are here on this planet at this time to bring that Love to the Earth.
To bring it into the soil and forests and mountains and rivers and cities and villages...
To bring it into our soft animal bodies and allow it to transmute our very flesh and bone and blood...
That we may then increasingly feel and know unconditional Love and Acceptance toward all beings who greet us on our paths.
Increasingly see and know all beings as our own brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, mothers, fathers. As our own selves.
That we may truly come to see no enemies and make nothing 'wrong' in all of existence.
That we may Love it All as if it were nothing other than God—for that is what it truly is.
This is the Love that can transform the entire world.
This is the Love we are being invited to remember as our very essence.
If you only knew what the gods had in store for you, you’d fall to your knees laughing and sobbing simultaneously, arms outstretched in celebration before the heavens.
I Love You.
Bear Hugs,
Jordan is deepening in love. Join us in Ouroboros Soul Family and my personal space on Telegram to connect more deeply.