A woman named Cassandra recently asked me:
"I am a very Young 70 Yr old Woman.
My Question is What Can The Younger Generation
Do To Make The Baby Boom
Males less Cynical & Hateful ?Baby Boom Males have the
$$’s controlling The World.
Their ME & Only Me,Stance
I know comes From Self
Loathing & Insecurity .My focus is Finding the
Tools To allow Them
Self Realization &
Consciousnesses That
It is ME2WE Today .What are Your ideas
Insights on How to
Redirect These Lost
Males Of Baby Boom
Generation ??
Who hold the Power"
My Response
I answered as follows:
It's an honor to speak to a very young 70-year-old woman, Cassandra. : ) Here is what arises in response to your question:
Love them exactly as they are. Radiate to them the Highest Love Which Has No Opposite. Radiate this Love to all beings, as if each one were your own newborn child.
Love is the Final Medicine. Holding all of existence—all that is 'within' and 'without'—in the Light of Neutral Loving Awareness, is the most powerful thing any of us can do to heal ourselves and the world.
Thank them as well. Write them a letter and list all the gifts and lessons they have given you and the world—all the reasons you are grateful for them. If they are indeed steeped in “Self Loathing,” thank them for the great sacrifice they are making—incarnating into such challenging karmic circumstances to be the precise mirrors that are needed by this collective at this time.
Let them know that you see that they are simply You in another disguise, and that if you were given their precise biology and circumstances, you cannot honestly say you would feel and behave differently than they do.
Notice what a perfect mirror they are—what a perfect mirror all of Life is. Continually giving us nothing other than the precise reflection we need to see in each moment. Life is the master teacher.
Notice that by embodying the 'dark' side of human nature, such beings activate within us a recognition of that which we are not and do not wish to be. The contrast assists us in remembering the Innocence that we truly are.
And as we remember this Innocence that we are, we come to see that it is all that there is. We come to see that those embodying the 'dark' consist of nothing other than the Weightless Innocence of Being.
The Perfection of Now.
The Highest Love Which Has No Opposite.
We see them, again, as if they were our own newborn children.
'Darkness' is then revealed to be nothing other than a disguise worn by the One Infinite Creator, whose essence is Love. 💜
Applying This to C-19 and in All Contexts
I recommend bringing this Love to all contexts, with all beings you find challenging, triggering, irritating, or insufferable.
Make nothing and no one ‘wrong’ in all of existence.
Trust that Life is always providing you with the exact reflection you need in every single moment. For you yourself are Life, you are that One Intelligence, and all you ever truly do is make Love with yourself.
These realizations have been dropping in on a new level for me the past few weeks.
This has resulted in me leaving and unfollowing all Telegram channels and other social channels that are even subtly focused on making others ‘wrong.’
I noticed a lot of the ‘C-19 resistance’ alt-media was doing exactly that: Making the mainstream-C-19-narrative-believing people ‘wrong,’ as well as fomenting fear about worst-case totalitarian-technocratic scenarios—falling into the same fear-mongering, wrong-making trap as the mainstream media.
Thus I realized it was time to withdraw my attention from all such channels (while being careful not to make them ‘wrong’) as part of the ongoing deep cleansing / clearing process I’m currently experiencing.
I realized it was time to simply focus on radiating that Highest Love Which Has No Opposite to all beings as best I can.
Time to simply focus on creating and generating from that Highest Love.
Time to check out of all subtle wrong-making games and simply practice being a Lighthouse — one who makes nothing ‘wrong,’ one who sees no enemies in all of existence.
Time to entirely let go of war-consciousness and go all in on being and coming from the New Earth, where all beings are embraced as the Pure Innocence that they are.
Whatever war I hold onto within myself, is a war I will inevitably pass on to my daughter, Lila.
I am ready to release war. It is not my deepest truth.
I know in my heart that spending even 15 minutes with me fully living my deepest truth will be more beneficial for Lila than spending a lifetime with me living various lies, even subtle ones.
So I am letting it all go.
Day by day, I feel more of it slip away.
More of these energies that are not truly aligned.
As these energies rise into awareness to be released and transmuted, I welcome them and thank them for their service. I hold them as nurturingly as I can. I see that they too are made of Pure Innocence. I love them.
I hold them in that Highest Light Which Has No Opposite.
This Light heals, dissolves, transforms them, and sends them Home.
P.S. Join us in The Astonishing Miracle of Existence Telegram community—a space to share whatever is on your heart, and ask for reflections and assistance.
Jordan Bates is weightless innocence. Join his community on Telegram, The Astonishing Miracle of Existence.