I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again in a new way:
Non-knowing is sanity.
Non-knowing is freedom.
Freedom from the known.
How good it feels to simply drop all knowing!
Like an ice cold shower of sparkling freshness.
Only when we drop all the narratives, do we realize how heavily they had weighed upon us.
Only when we let go, do we realize how tightly we had grasped.
Non-knowing is the sacred ‘reset button.’
After going down so many political rabbit holes in recent weeks, it feels so good to just let it all dissipate.
After writing so many words painting elaborate speculative mosaics depicting the multidimensional nature of earthly reality, how lovely it feels to drop all of that.
And when it is dropped, what are we left with?
Always and only the simplicity of now.
I like to ask myself, “What can I prove is absolutely true in this moment?”
Only one thing: THIS.
Mysterious thus-ness.
The pure free fall.
Through pure fluid allowing-ness.
“Life” is.
Nature is.
That’s what one is left with: Only the razor’s edge of here-now, melting away before it ever becomes anything knowable.
The moment just as it is.
Have you ever actually experienced anything other than the moment just as it is?
Have you ever been anywhere or anything other than this-here-now?
There is something so refreshing and therapeutic about simply staying with the moment just as it is.
Staying with the instant, without layering any stories or ideologies on top of it.
The moment as pure mystery.
When you let it be unknowable, it’s so weightless. It’s so free. Like there’s nothing behind it. Let it be vapor. Let it be a dancing shimmer.
To return to non-knowing is like a drink of pure crystalline water from the holiest river. It washes you clean. It is therapeutic, peace-bringing, sanity-restoring.
It’s like a wildly free amorphous fairy or puppy just happily slippin’ ‘n’ slidin’ ‘n’ chucklin’ ‘n’ laughin’.
So utterly simple, uncomplicated, unburdened, unfettered.
Pure jive.
That’s life, man.
Just this.
Just this.
Life in the absence of definitions.
The substratum.
The groundless ground.
What it’s all made of.
What it all appears in.
Thank heavens.
“What’s really longed for is the mystery. And the mystery is there’s nothing behind this. It doesn’t come from anywhere and it’s not going anywhere. What that does is, it leaves everything simply as it is.”
P.S. My friend Joan Tollifson recently wrote a truly remarkable and sanity-restoring piece related to divisive ‘politics’ and ‘global issues.’ Highly recommended.
P.P.S. A few days ago I spoke about how, “In Divine timing, we are graced with opportunities to summon our unique [Dragon-Ball-Z-esque] ‘Ka-Me-Ha-Me-Ha’ and let it erupt and emanate forth with all we’ve got—directing and infusing it with flavors of our own hard-won personal power, even as the One Divine Power provides the primary Force.” I had one such opportunity ~11 days ago when I opened for the iconic hip-hop group CunninLynguists at a sold-out show in Cologne, Germany. It meant the world to me to ‘leave it all on the court’ from a space of Love in front of ~200 people: