In my seeing and experience…
Unforgivable sin does not exist.
God is all-loving and all-forgiving.
All is forgiven before it even occurs.
No Past
We can go deeper and say that…
For God, there is no past to presently forgive.
All of Creation is simultaneous from God's vantage…
And it's all already-forgiven by nature.
Nothing to Forgive
We can go deeper still and say…
For God there is nothing to forgive at all.
For God sees all as perfect—no mistakes.
All is allowed to be exactly as it is.
The Weirdest Bible Quote
What I’ve just shared in this post technically contradicts the Bible.
According to the Bible, Jesus Christ once said that blasphemy is an unforgivable sin:
“Whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; they are guilty of an eternal sin.”
Bizarrely, David Hawkins later agreed with this idea, saying:
“It is possible to come up from lower regions of hell – with the exception of blasphemy. (Calibrated as true.) For blasphemy there is no forgiveness.”
I find this super odd.
Of all the heinous and atrocious things a person can do…
Blasphemy—making the ‘wrong’ series of mouth noises—is supposedly the one that is unforgivable?!?!
God chuckles…
I do not believe Jesus Christ actually said this.
It feels exactly like the sort of fear-based propaganda that religious authoritarians would later add to the Bible to ensure that people did not speak out against the church.
I find it odd that David Hawkins (whose work I greatly respect) reified this dogma rather than dispelling it—and even went so far as to say that he “calibrated” it as true via kinesiology.
I don’t put a ton of stock in kinesiology—I find it valuable but fallible—but just for fun, I calibrated Jesus’ views on unforgivable sin and the result was: Jesus does not believe any sin is unforgivable.
I feel one of Hawkins’ key blindspots was to underestimate the fallibility / bias of kinesiology. Its very basis is a rigidly dichotomous/dualistic true-false framework—and I do not believe such a framework can come even close to containing or describing the multi-dimensionality of reality.
So… For me this is a cautionary tale about the church, the Bible, kinesiology, and putting anything or anyone on a pedestal.
First and foremost, feel the truth for yourself.
Trust your own feeling / knowing / seeing above all else.
The God I experience is all-loving and all-forgiving and places no one in a permanent hell.
We do experience ‘hell’ sometimes when we choose to go on wild incarnational adventures, get lost in forgetfulness and illusion, and become far separated from God’s Love…
This is part of the fun of Creation, actually. In essence, we are God (the All-Mind), and we enjoy forgetting ourselves and going on epic adventures wherein we pretend to be separate beings.
But sure as the sun shines, God calls all his children Home to that subtle, all-forgiving, omnipresent ether where all is Love.
Human Forgiveness
Lastly, I want to say a few words about the human side of forgiveness.
From the human vantage, forgiveness is useful and powerful.
When we forgive the “unforgivable,” we manifest the Grace of Divinity.
Forgiveness cannot be forced.
It ripens organically as we discover a space of clear seeing.
To clearly see all beings as innocent children…
Doing the best they can within their current paradigm…
With all “mistakes” serving the dynamism and poetry of the Great Perfection…
Is to forgive all of Creation.
Perfectly Imperfect
There are some things I am slow to forgive.
And some things I have not entirely forgiven.
In both myself and others.
Perhaps there are things I will never forgive in this lifetime.
And that’s okay.
“The inherent perfection of imperfection.”
All things in due time.
Trust the process.
Trust in God’s Grace.
Volcano Island is 2.5 weeks away.
There are still a couple spaces left for my upcoming retreat in Azores.
As with all of my retreats…
I intend to hold a strong field of unconditional love and acceptance…
One in which deep healing can take place…
While also empowering and activating you to own your genius…
And create the aligned and beautiful life you’re meant to lead.
This retreat will provide a fine balance of energy work and highly-pragmatic teachings on masterfully navigating earthly life, business, service, and leadership.
It’s going to be potent.
Are you meant to be there?
Apply here and let’s have a conversation and find a way to make it happen.
Because the retreat is so soon, I can offer you an uncommonly good price if you take the leap and join us.
With Love,
Jordan Bates is a Dad, Teacher, Mentor, Artist, Rapper, CEO, and Lover of Divinity. If you feel called to work with Jordan, apply for his upcoming retreat, Volcano Island, his upcoming mastermind for men, The Heart-Led King, and his new 1:1 journey, Sacred Power. Dive deeper and support his work by subscribing on Instagram, Telegram, Twitter, Facebook, and/or YouTube.
Oooo oooo Ahhh ahhh 🙈 🙉 🙊