What is the Ever Innocent Heart?
On one level, the Ever Innocent Heart refers to the opening of the spiritual heart center—i.e. the anahata chakra of compassion and love…
Yet most fundamentally, the Ever Innocent Heart refers to the Heart of Reality itself.
It refers to the Changeless, Inviolable Innocence that is the very Essence of Being.
It refers to the truth of what we are.
In my view, no matter what we do, no matter where life takes us, our Essence does not change.
It remains forever unstained, unblemished.
It is pure, mysterious Love.
Brothers of the Ever Innocent Heart is about opening to that Essence within ourselves.
It is about learning to speak from that place.
And learning to listen from that place.
With deep, full Presence.
It is about getting raw, real, and deeply vulnerable…
And in doing so, allowing our most tender parts to be seen and held in the Light of that Original Innocence.
Held in the Unconditionally Loving Presence that the Now is made of.
Held in the Grace that comes to us, nourishes, and heals us…
When we allow ourselves to be witnessed in our Naked Fullness, by the Loving Presence of brothers.
This is about men getting real together, and holding each other in Love.
There are other elements as well, but I want to be clear that that’s what this is primarily about: Honesty and Love.
Honesty and Love are incredibly powerful medicines.
They help us see ourselves clearly.
They help us bring Radical Acceptance into the darkest corners of our being.
They help us relax into who we already are.
They help us remember that we are already whole.
From that space of already-wholeness and deep self-acceptance…
We naturally begin to blossom into more honest, artful, compassionate incarnations of ourselves.
Yet this work is not about fixating on becoming something ‘new.’
It’s about loving life and ourselves exactly as we are, in this moment…
And letting that be an end in itself.
It’s about embracing our messy, painful, perfectly-imperfect humanity…
And learning to hold it with Trust and Loving Presence, through life’s inevitable peaks and valleys.
It’s about coming Home, more and more fully, to rest in the silent stillness of the Ever Innocent Heart…
Feeling and knowing the essential, mysterious, changeless Perfection of Now.
If this resonates, apply to join us for Brothers of the Ever Innocent Heart. We begin 8/8.