Here are some kind words people have shared about me and how my work has impacted them over the years:
“If a zombie apocalypse happened, one of the first people I’d call to help me survive and strategize would be Jordan Bates.
Jokes aside, Jordan is one of the smartest people I’ve ever encountered. On a personal level, I trust Jordan with my life. He is a truly good person and expresses a genuine concern for his own level of integrity in all situations. The best part, however, is that beyond the razor-sharp intelligence and creative wizard skills that Jordan possesses, he is incredibly easy to be around—always ready to see the funny side of life...”
— Jon Brooks, Founder of Stoic Handbook & Co-Creator of HighExistence & Apotheosis
“Jordan is a fountain of depth, love, and timeless wisdom.
His words kindle the fire of the human spirit, and will bring you back to your playful, ever-present innocence.”
— Eric Brown, Founder of Phoenix Culture & Co-Creator of HighExistence & Apotheosis
“Jordan has quite literally changed my life...
Jordan Bates is a force to be reckoned with. The impact that he has had on my life is difficult to articulate into words... he has quite literally changed my life. Jordan is such beautiful mirror for me as he sees me for who I truly am, while allowing me to be who I truly am as a human being. This is an incredibly rare quality, and his level of integrity is second to none. I have so much love and respect for him; people like Jordan give my heart so much hope for this world.”
— Kana Knox, Artist & Healer
“Jordan changed my life completely..."
"Jordan is an exceptional thinker and visionary, always juggling multiple lenses through which he sees reality. He has this incredible power of facilitating the most profound transformation and opening doors in the most unexpected places. Working with him I've learned to shift perspective on what I believed were serious obstacles and limitations, and transmute the daily struggle and grind into a thrilling and playful process of self-discovery. If you sometimes feel like you are your own worst enemy and harshest critic, Jordan will surely help you let go of your limiting beliefs and blossom.”
— Maria Górska-Piszek, Creator of ‘Made in Cosmos’
“Jordan is full of love, and he is able to transmit this love in a way that is infectious and inspiring. And though love is the fundamental force that supports his offers, he is also someone who can do the more tangible stuff. He has extensive knowledge on how to flourish as an entrepreneur and how to live a life deeply in service to one's authentic self. He has been a key figure in me living the free and self-directed life that I have.”
— Ronan Loughney, Writer & World Traveler
“Jordan Bates is the loving catalyst for transcendental change.
Jordan Bates is, simply put, one of the most engaged, energized, and aware human beings I’ve ever had the pleasure of connecting with. He has this youthful wonder and whimsy fueled by a burning passion to make the most of his uncertain time on this earth, and help as many people as he can wake up to their power and capacity to change the world. Jordan is filled with a boundless eternal love for the work he does, and all those that cross his path...”
— Sasha Flaska, Entrepreneur
“I am undeniably a much wiser, more mature and capable human being since knowing Jordan.
I met Jordan Bates for the first time during our “face to face” video interview call leading up to a retreat he was hosting. During this initial video call it became increasingly apparent that this was no ‘ordinary’ human interaction. Something completely different was occurring that took me a while to comprehend, and it was this: I was being listened to and paid attention to on a level that I probably hadn’t experienced since I was a tiny child… Seeing this in Jordan has helped me cultivate this in my own life which has wholly shifted my reality into a more loving, open, and authentic experience.”
— Travis Beck, Entrepreneur
“I can't even believe how productive and uninhibited I feel creatively now...
I consider myself and my life all the more blessed for having Jordan Bates as a friend and mentor... I began coaching with Jordan in order to untangle and gain perspective on several hindrances I had been dealing with in regards to my creative productivity. I am beyond grateful that I did! Not only was Jordan able to help me make great progress in numerous projects that I had otherwise given up on, he did so with impeccable attention and care, and made it easy to get to the root of the issues I was having... I will be benefiting from making the choice to have Jordan coach me for my entire life...”
— Mayry Craver, Artist & Healer
“One of the most uplifting and mind-shattering personalities on the web, Jordan Bates has inspired me in countless ways and truly helped me to become a better human being."
"Jordan is one of the wisest persons I had the fortune to encounter on my path. His writing has helped me improve on several different levels, most importantly, happiness and open-mindedness. His specific knowledge is really vast, spanning from philosophy and spiritual practices to productivity and lifestyle design. A truly great person to learn a lot from.”
— Giorgio Parlato, Writer
“Being a part of this Brotherhood has transformed who I am as a person.
I feel so much stronger, confident, openhearted and most importantly more truly myself. It's a beautiful feeling to be so transparent and real with one another and to feel that the guys have your back and are with you no matter what.
The Brotherhood embodies an unconditional love that fully accepts you where you are and as you are, but also sees your potential, holds you accountable and pushes you to be the best you can be.
I'd highly recommend this group to anyone who feels a calling."
— Jacob Sivyer, Writer & Space-Holder studying at Harvard Divinity School
“Ouroboros offered me all I needed to get started on my journey as a New Earth Spiritual Entrepreneur, THANK YOU FOR THAT.
The threads you pull and weave are very valuable and actually very practical…
I feel like one of the biggest things Ouroboros did for me was to revoke doubt and embrace this New Earth Entrepreneur path fully.
I ain’t going back…
I’ve made about $5k since the beginning of Ouroboros… I impacted the people I’ve worked with profoundly.
Another powerful byproduct of this is being able to speak my truth everywhere I go, which in and of itself has opened up lots of possibilities, has given me confidence and a ‘free life’ in more ways than money and my former doubts could grant me.”
— Nora White, Coach & Founder of
"Jordan is an amazing guide in the process of introspection and collective men’s work.
He listens extremely well, holds space with poise and leadership, models vulnerability and authenticity, and combines safety with a sense of challenge that has been extremely useful in my growth process.
This brotherhood offers a safe space to be a man, to share and accept all parts of yourself in a container free of judgement, and to grow and evolve into the type of person you want to be. For me, the brotherhood inspired vulnerability, courage, introspection, validation, and integration so that I could make real choices and changes in my life and continue to grow."
— Kenny, Online Brotherhood Participant, USA
"The depth of giving that Jordan possesses is unlike most. The value and insight he has provided me have helped me make significant changes in my life: I feel grounded deeply in my Power, I have gained great clarity on my Medicine and Offer, I have stepped into providing sessions, it has helped me align my life on multiple levels, and allowed me to cut through the bullshit that keeps me from living my Soul’s Joy. Through working with him I signed on my first long-term $5k client. While these steps have been challenging, the Space that Jordan nurtures is deeply fruitful."
— Brady Heath, Coach & Founder of Boundless Well-Being
"When I committed to leveling up and pursuing my highest path, Jordan appeared like a wizard from the aether. He is a big-hearted, multi-dimensional, compassionate being committed to serving our realm and creating a more harmonious reality for all.
After participating at in-person retreats as well as multiple online containers with Jordan over the last 2 years, I can say he is the real deal and give a BIG GIANT recommendation to participate in any of his offerings. You will evolve. You will play and have fun. You will be reminded to trust life, to see the magic in every moment and to dare something greatly."
— Austin, 'The Sovereign Man' Participant & Retreat Participant, USA
"I’ve thought about engaging in men’s work for years, but never made the final step. I’m so glad I finally have. Jordan creates a container which feels both safe and challenging, allowing me to stretch myself while knowing he and others have my back.
It offers something different to the other practices I follow to nourish myself, providing something like directive friendship, although I’m not sure I can necessarily encapsulate the unique place it holds in my life."
— Ronan, Online Brotherhood Participant, UK
"The brotherhood Jordan has put together has been enriching and heart opening. It’s been helpful and inspiring to have good men to share the triumphs and challenges of life with from outside my normal bubble."
— Zach, Online Brotherhood Participant, USA
"Jordan is a proficient and fiery leader in guiding his brothers through men's work. This container he's created is a potent catalyst, allowing men to fully step into their innate power and prevail on the battlefield of life."
— Adam, Online Brotherhood Participant, USA
"Thus far my experience is that Jordan’s ‘The Sovereign Man’ container is/was the ultimate way of having a container/shared space. I find it difficult to maintain momentum in other shared spaces, but with the Sovereign Man container I felt a magnetic 'force' pulling me in all the time. It was like I was in a form of temporary vortex, outside of 'my' own control, in a scary and awesome way.
Around a month after the Sovereign Man container ended I am still sensing the echo of what I learnt about myself, other men and life in both a shallow and deep sense. I am still harvesting the fruits from what I have experiences about life and myself from the shared space. The Sovereign Man container was one of the most beautiful and transformative and important things that has ever happened to me."
— Edward, Participant in 'The Sovereign Man' Online Experience & the Online Brotherhood, Sweden
"From before I ever met Jordan in person I felt a deep soul connection and resonance with him, with his beautiful energy and alignment with the greater purpose we all serve on this journey of human life.
When I was invited to Ouroboros I was excited to have a powerful container to grow and learn aspects of embodiment, for supported shadow work and for my own healing, but what I have received is SO much more. I am still blown away with the calibre of beings in this community, and the authenticity and vulnerability of everyone I have meet along the way already. Ouroboros is a beautifully powerful space of healers, creatives, heart-centered new earth leaders and co-creators authentically "just walking each other home". It is an honour to have a Tribe and Soul family to hold and cultivate this space with, for shadow work, deep healing and allowing for the unfoldment and rebirthing of all who chose this vortex of loving transformation; as we step onto our chosen paths as sovereign beings.
Working with Jordan is deeply transformational, challenging in all the best ways and truly life changing beyond measure! I look forward to seeing you again soon and hugging your beautiful soul!
Bless you JB
Thank you.
I appreciate you."— Aylanur, Participant in ‘Ouroboros’ Mastermind
“[Regarding his experience on a retreat I created:] I wanna weep in the face of truth… Two things: There’s nothing to be afraid of, and Love is unlimited.
I wanna hug you guys.”— Sam, Retreat Participant & Online Brotherhood Participant, USA
“Jordan Bates is a walloping burst of joyful, soulful fresh air. His newsletter is one of the only ones I’ve allowed in my inbox long-term - it’s equal parts insightful and surprising. Just reading him being himself, reminds me I can be more myself and oh yeah - myself can change overnight.” ⭐️
— Chloe, Newsletter Reader & Retreat Participant, USA
"[Regarding his experience on a retreat I created:] There was just such immense love, encouragement, support and wisdom being poured into our hearts. The team was also just a beautiful mirror for us to ground into the truth. Because that's what it's all about. It is moving beyond the stories that we incessantly tell ourselves that keep us trapped in the prison of our minds.
This retreat absolutely demolishes those shackles, and I'm super grateful. Thank you so much, it was beautiful. I learned so much from y'all, so much about myself. I am forever grateful. Thank you, I love you. Much love. Peace."
— Brady, Retreat Participant, USA
"[Regarding his experience on a retreat I created:] I leave feeling complete. More complete than I ever have. Acknowledging all the facets of my personality and all the depth that I choose to ignore at times... I feel a sacred connection to everything after this work. I'm so, so grateful to Jordan, Tanja, and the whole team. I want to continue this work for the rest of my life and see where it goes. It's a wonderful road. Sending big love and appreciation to everyone who was involved."
— Zach, Retreat Participant, USA
"[Regarding his experience on a retreat I created:] The experience has been really magical and healing. Just coming here to this amazing place and hearing all the wilderness feels so calming and relaxing. Being here with everyone in ceremony and all healing together and supporting each other really opened up my heart. My biggest highlight was the time after ceremony. Just sharing our experiences together and getting to know everyone and hearing their stories."
— Kevin, Retreat Participant, USA
"[Regarding his experience on a retreat I created:] My experience was beautiful overall. It was healing and it was life affirming and it was a gift that I gave to myself that I'm truly grateful of receiving. I really enjoyed the camaraderie, the sharing with each other and the group process.
The entire process was in some parts challenging and in some parts a lot of fun, but overall enriching and helpful in a lot of ways. At this point in time, I feel like I need to come back here every year of my life just to bathe and bask in the love that is here."
— Austin, Retreat Participant, USA
"[Regarding his experience on a retreat I created:] My experience was really powerful. I’ve been going through a really rough time for the last four months or so and this felt like a deep reset and a remembrance of the joy and gratitude in the world and all the possibilities out there. The community, the medicine, the workshops… Everything just came together for a big reset."
— Eric, Retreat Participant, USA
"[Regarding his experience on a retreat I created:] Absolutely life-changing. The most important thing I've ever done. Years of therapy and pill medication did nothing compared to the accelerated program here. Beauty. Words don't do it justice. Incredibly profound."
— Jake, Retreat Participant, USA