Hi Jordan - I really appreciated the affect of your first revelatory posting on your experience with, I'm assuming, 5-MeO-DMT. I could relate to it, b/c I also experienced full cathartic release, ego-death, and complete mergence with the perfect implicate order, the very first time I did 5. I could even understand why, from a Christian perspective, it is called the "God Molecule." But it's a real turnoff, I have to tell you, from someone who is a life-long dharma practitioner. As a Buddhist (raised Catholic) who is also a scholar and a long-time high trantayana enthusiast, I can assure you that there was no "God" on the other side in my experience, though I will acknowledge this molecule is miraculously, almost, responsive to whatever your intention is. I merged with the clear light nature of mind that is one with the Dharmadhatu, or meaning-saturated continuum, Buddha spoke to millennia ago from his own awakening. I was completely gone - Gate Gate (Gone Gone) Paragate (Gone Beyond) Parasamgate (Completely Gone Beyond) Bodhi (Light/Love) Svaha (like that!). But somehow I never received the memo that some magical creator rules over me! Definitely, the love that permeates that experience, that permeates all, is beyond anything we can even imagine from this conventional side. It really defies labels - even that one. I know you say "God is Love" and all, but maybe just call it Love then, and leave out all the Christian baggage? The other side is baggage-free. I think you know that.

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Your Buddhist language doesn’t feel like baggage to me - so why does my Christian language feel like baggage to you? : )

Take care, man

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