Lack of True Creativity is Killing Us
(+ A Big Announcement) — YOU are a GENIUS CREATOR
🌈 In this post I am announcing the birth of True Creation Accelerator. 🌈
I’m calling you forward.
Yes, you.
YOU have tremendous creative gifts inside you, bubbling, bubbling…
Just waiting to EXPLODE forth…
In a DAZZLING RAINBOW of wonderment, honesty, and expression.
Creativity is lifeblood. 🌈
Creativity is oxygen.
We are creative beings.
Human life is fundamentally a creative and artistic journey.
All of life can be approached as art.
Yet our culture has blocked us from this primordial knowing of our own limitless creative wellspring.
We have been systematically trained to consume, consume, consume…
Endlessly consuming life and going through the motions…
Without ever GIVING BACK from the soul.
Giving back creatively is how we complete the natural reciprocal cycle of our relationship to Nature.
We receive endless gifts from Nature, freely given to us.
An entire multiverse is freshly given to us in each nanosecond.
Really *feel* that.
An entire cosmos of unimaginable artistry—for us to explore and play within—gifted to us in each instant.
Reckon with this for a moment.
What a truly miraculous *inheritance*.
Sit with this.
We have been trained to take life utterly for granted.
Trained to overlook the precious poetry that is freely given to us in each moment.
An absolute feast of the senses, freely delivered, moment to moment.
Infinite possibilities.
What a truly astonishing inheritance.
How are you honoring this inheritance, and giving back?
What are you *actively doing* to honor your inheritance of this Divine Life, and to give back creatively?
How are you utilizing the gifts that Nature-God-Mystery has given unto you, to glorify and celebrate this existence?
What are you *creating*, *purely* and *truly*?
What are you *birthing* that simply flows organically from your *heart* and *soul*?
For most people, the answer is: Very little.
Most people have been acculturated into a lifeless loop of consumption, conformity, and soulless drudgery.
Most people spend *little to no time* on creative projects that simply flow from their innermost essence.
And we wonder why our modern lives feel so impoverished and disenchanted.
We wonder why we feel a gnawing sense of hollowness and meaninglessness.
Our lack of true creativity is killing us.
I believe the widespread lack of heart-and-soul-led creativity is profoundly connected to the challenges we are facing as a species.
I believe that the natural state of human beings is one of child-like playfulness, connectedness, and flowing creativity.
True creativity is connection.
Connection to our innermost source.
When we are connected to our innermost source, creativity happens naturally and effortlessly.
It *volcanically erupts* through us.
How this looks can vary wildly from person to person, yet the underlying principle is the same.
When we are connected to our Loving Essence, we become channels and conduits for a Creative Intelligence that infinitely transcends the power of the human mind.
This Intelligence then works through us, transfiguring our entire lives into Divine Art, while simultaneously revealing the Divine Artistry that Life has always been.
We then *naturally* create beauty.
We are then *naturally* called to honor Life and make the world into a beautiful sanctuary.
We then *naturally* sing the song that only we can sing and dance the dance that only we can dance, for the upliftment of the Whole.
When we are connected, we ‘download’ new blueprints and creative solutions to even the most seemingly intractable problems.
There is no problem that the Infinite Loving Intelligence of Life cannot solve.
The meta-answer to our species’ seemingly endless list of problems, is for more and more people to *directly connect* to this Infinite Loving Intelligence, and to *allow* it to create through them.
I want to help solve this. And I am well-equipped to do so. 🌈
About 12 years ago, something powerful happened to me.
Through a combination of psychedelic experiences and other mysterious factors…
I plugged directly into my creative source on a profound level.
Huge blocks got basically detonated and blown out of the way.
Suddenly, I not only had a burning curiosity to learn everything I could about the true inner workings of Life and the Universe…
I also soon felt a burning need to CREATE.
A burning need to take what I was learning, remix it, add my own spice, and give it back in creative ways.
And so I did.
And I never stopped.
My creations have reached millions of people.
My articles have ~5+ million views. This one article got ~1.7+ million views. My music has hundreds of thousands of plays.

In the past decade, I’ve published ~300 articles, two books, and ~tens of thousands of social media posts, amounting to approximately ~1,000,000+ words I’ve written and shared publicly.
On top of that, I’ve released ~20 rap albums & EPs, ~7 online video courses, and ~200 videos total, including a ~dozen music videos.
Furthermore, I’ve (co-)created and (co-)led 10 ~week-long entheogenic retreats on two continents, plus ~hundreds of live (online) 1:1 & group sessions, workshops, circles, containers, performances, and celebrations.
At the risk of inflating my ego, it feels accurate to say I am one of the most creatively prolific human beings alive today.
Creativity is like breathing for me, at this point. It flows naturally, and it is essential for me to survive and thrive as the being that I am.
Beyond being creatively hyper-prolific, I’m gonna pat myself on the back again and say that I am also one of the most authentic creators living on Earth at this time.
What I create, flows from my heart and soul. This has always been the case, and has only become truer over time, as I have unlocked an ever deeper embodied understanding of who and what I am.
I stay true. This is a heart-and-soul-level vow for me. A warrior’s code. I had Nietzsche’s maxim tattooed on my left shoulder in 2017: “Become what you are.”
Lastly, it’s relevant to note that I have been entrepreneurially innovative in finding ways to earn a living as a self-employed creator. I’ve earned about ~$250k as a self-employed creator since quitting my last day job in 2015. And I've lived my dreams by traveling to 30+ countries, funded by my own creativity.
If there’s one thing I can say about myself, it’s that I know how to create.
I know how to create authentically, prolifically, and consistently over a long span of time.
It turns out I even know how to create beautiful children and relationships. : )
I also know how to INSPIRE, ACTIVATE, and BRING FORTH the creative gifts of other people.
And I am presently feeling a profoundly strong calling…
And receiving all sorts of signs and guidance indicating that it’s time…
Big Announcement: A New Creation & Offering 🌈
Something new is birthing through me right now. Something called…
An accelerator of truly authentic creations that blossom from the heart and soul.
An accelerator & mentorship for Creators & Leaders ready to birth their creative legacy, for the upliftment of the Whole.
This idea emerged spontaneously a few weeks ago, continues to crystallize, and…
It just feels right.
I’m increasingly really excited about it.
How does it work?
Here are the key elements you’ll get access to for just $38/month if you join during the launch, before July 1st:
🔥 This will be an ongoing offering priced as a monthly subscription-based membership, intended to support Creators & Leaders over the long-term.
🔥 A core pillar will be the WEEKLY LIVE SESSIONS via Zoom on Wednesdays from 4pm - 5:30pm CET (recorded if you can’t make it live) in which I (and sometimes guest teachers) will share practical *activating* wisdom & inspiration for becoming a True Creator, while also guiding experiential exercises to unlock, ignite, activate, & embody True Creativity.
🔥 Some of the live sessions will include co-creation / co-working hours in which everyone is invited to share space while working on their creative projects, or vibing, dancing, chilling, with soothing and inspiring music playing in the background.
🔥 We will utilize a 4-month commitment structure similar to the one I recently implemented in my men’s group. Every 4 months, you will have the opportunity to commit to the completion of a creative project with a clear deliverable, and you will set yourself a powerful accountability consequence that you will undertake if you do not make good on your commitment. I strongly encourage anyone who joins True Creation Accelerator to see it as a commitment of 4 months or more.
🔥 There will be a digital community where I will share additional content and you can connect with your fellow True Creation Fam members outside of the live sessions.
🔥 You will get access to OUROBOROS School of Liberation & Leadership — 12 Courses & Resources by Jordan Bates to guide you toward a Radically Free Life of True Purpose.
This simple combination of elements will be immeasurably POWERFUL for the beings who are truly ready to ACTIVATE. 🔥
Launch Discount + 40-Day Money-Back Guarantee
As I mentioned…
IF you join by July 1st, the first official day of the program…
You lock in the special launch price of $38/month—for the full lifetime of the container.
After the launch, the normal price will be $55/month.
If you’re not STOKED on TCA, message me within 40 days of the start of the container and I’ll refund you in full, no questions asked.
As I already said: I strongly encourage anyone who joins True Creation Accelerator to see it as a commitment of 4 months or more. This is how you will get BY FAR the most value. By truly SHOWING UP and going ALL IN for a longer chunk of time.
As I stated, we will have WEEKLY LIVE SESSIONS via Zoom on Wednesdays from 4pm - 5:30pm CET. Even if you can’t make it to these live, the journey will STILL be worth it, as the sessions will be recorded, and you’ll still have the recordings, community, 4-month commitment structure, and all the other elements working together to take your Creativity TO THE MOON!
And even though our live sessions don’t technically start till July 1st, joining earlier will be rewarded:
You’ll get immediate access to OUROBOROS School of Liberation & Leadership — 12 Courses & Resources by Jordan Bates to guide you toward a Radically Free Life of True Purpose
You’ll be invited to the digital community on Telegram where I will be sending PREPARATION QUESTIONS & CLARITY EXERCISES for you to start gearing up and preparing to get the MOST out of this RIDICULOUSLY POWERFUL ACCELERATOR
Whatcha waitin’ for?! ; )
Trust your instinct and hop in NOW to board the starship-rollercoaster to the GALAXY of CREATION.
If you KNOW it’s time to UP-LEVEL YOUR CREATIVITY and finally BIRTH YOUR CREATIVE LEGACY into the world…
This is BIG.
Who else is STOKED just hearing the news about this? : )
Please do let me know in this poll, or via an email reply or in the comments. : )
Jordan Bates
Men’s Leadership Coach
Authenticity | Creativity | Integrity | Freedom
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Jordan Bates is a leadership coach specializing in creativity, authenticity, pragmatic wisdom, grounded spirituality, psychedelic integration, & holistic life mastery. He is also a teacher, writer, mystic, artist, rapper, space-holder, and celebrator of God. He offers one-to-one coaching, men’s circles, self-guided courses, & retreats—and now also offers True Creation Accelerator.
Find Jordan elsewhere: His Website | His Courses | Spotify | YouTube | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | Bandcamp | TikTok