Update: The dates for my upcoming ayahuasca and Bufo alvarius retreat, Presence of God, have shifted one week later—to November 27th - December 3rd. There are still ~1-2 spaces remaining. If you are ready to step through a portal that will alter the course of your life, apply to join us in Mexico for this unfathomable adventure.
Some massive shifts are happening in my world…
I haven’t drank alcohol in 15 days…
I haven’t ejaculated in about ~6 weeks, instead opting to practice tantric semen retention and sexual kung fu, breathing the sexual energy up to the heart and higher centers…
I’ve been drinking loads of cacao, doing a lot of heart-tapping, and saying daily prayers and affirmations for heart-opening…
I’ve also been listening to hours upon hours of sacred healing / mantra music…
Plus doing plenty of breathwork and saying daily prayers and affirmations for remembering how to breathe at ever deeper levels…
Taking a lot of hot baths…
Long walks in nature…
Eating clean/sattvic, only eating meat once in the past 15 days…
Turning off my phone / unplugging from the internet for long stretches of time…
Making entheogenic AI art…
Praying and thanking God at least several times per day…
Reading mystical texts / authors (e.g. Peter Brown, Aleister Crowley, Mantak Chia, The Gene Keys)…
Listening to some of the most direct/innovative non-dual teachers (e.g. Peter Brown, Angelo DiLullo, Jim Newman, Leo Gura)…
While also spending a lot of time noticing / presencing with ‘my’ direct ‘experience’—aka the naked mystery of being…
Spending a lot of time in deep self-inquiry, meditation, contemplation on the nature of reality…
Meeting weekly with my ARKA Brotherhood men’s circle, as well as Opvious, who has been mentoring me on TikTok content mastery and visionary entrepreneurship for artists/musicians…
Also continuing to lead Brothers of the Ever Innocent Heart—the brotherhood I created this year—holding our weekly men’s circle and finding great soul-nourishing sustenance in that space… The raw healing power of men’s work continues to amaze me…
I’ve also found myself leading some breathwork + sound healing journeys lately. I’m finding that this feels deeply aligned, and I’m receiving feedback that the journeys I’m leading are truly healing and potent for people. Here is the Ayahuasca & Bufo Alvarius sound healing journey I led the other day, if you want to tune in:
I also recently had some deeply moving experiences in the USA, officiating my beloved sister and sister-in-law’s wedding (then dancing the night away!) and spending a lot of time with family and old friends…
Plus going on a great American roadtrip to attend Unison Festival in Southern Colorado with CoryaYo, which proved to be an incredibly healing and entheogenically medicinal experience…
Last but certainly not least…
I’ve been spending expansive amounts of time with Tanja and Lila since getting back to Germany ~15 days ago…
And it’s in our cozy family container that I am noticing the most profound shifts.
Several times since getting back to Germany, I’ve experienced what I can only describe as gargantuan Love Explosions in relation to our family…
It’s felt like my heart is erupting or like my soul is viscerally landing in my body…
I just feel so much love for Tanja and Lila…
Lila is our innocent, numinous darling sweetheart, and I feel so warm and happy to presence deeply with her…
She’s started standing up on her own now, and she often smiles so big when she stands, so proud of herself, as papa and mama smile on proudly…
We love her so purely, effortlessly, all-encompassingly, immeasurably…
Parenthood really is simply a pure divine medicine ceremony…
And Tanja…
Wow, how can I describe what I’ve been feeling for Tanja.
It’s like an immaculate otherworldly earthquake of Love is rocking the core of my being…
Like a herd of iridescent unicorn-spirits is stampeding through my heart-center, bursting forth as unsayable radiance…
Like a galaxy-sized geyser of infinite Love just detonated forth from the center of my chest…
Really, she’s just so… gorgeous.
So sweet, caring, graceful, elegant, enchanting, queenly, brilliant, pure…
I can honestly hardly believe my good fortune.
It feels like we’re unlocking a whole new level of intimacy…
In which love-making is not reserved for the bedroom but rather becomes a continuous sensual dance of presence, eye-gazing, touch, closeness, coziness, warmth, flirtatiousness, playfulness, seduction, romance, and connection…
I’ve never felt more in love with this rare jewel of a woman.
Never felt more ready to marry her.
Never felt more ready to create a beautiful life with her.
Never felt more ready to grow old with her.
Our relationship has always been uncommonly nourishing, synergistic, magical, and sublime…
But wow, this is new territory.
We still have our oh-so-human moments of tension but it’s like they’re now getting burned away faster than ever by this inferno of Loving Presence…
I just feel preternaturally magnetized to Tanja right now.
You might be wondering…
What shifted?
Honestly, I feel I can trace this breakthrough with Tanja to the tantric semen retention and sexual kung-fu I’ve been practicing.
(Read Taoist Secrets of Love by Mantak Chia for a great primer.)
This is the longest I’ve gone without ejaculating since I first discovered masturbation as a mid-teenager…
Add in the practice of deliberately breathing / summoning the sexual energy up to the higher centers + then re-circulating it throughout the entire body, and…
This is really a game-changer.
![Twitter avatar for @_jordan_bates](https://substackcdn.com/image/twitter_name/w_96/_jordan_bates.jpg)
I’m starting to feel like this may be the ultimate life secret for thriving as a man.
The practice seems to have powerful spiritually activating / opening effects. I sense it has the potential to unlock a whole new level of magnetism, radiance, divine masculinity, gravitas, confidence, clarity, energy, poise, and intimacy with all of life—not to mention relational enchantment with one’s partner.
I’m feeling the ripple effect of this practice in all areas of my life: More energy, dignity, clarity, presence, confidence, visionary downloads, and heightened feelings of juicy intimacy / connectedness with ALL of life.
And in relation to Tanja: Again, just, wow.
I am so in love with her!!!!! : )))))
I am so in love with our family!!!!! : )))))
Another absolutely epic thing about this practice is that it doesn’t mean that you can’t have sex or pleasure yourself. You just do so without ejaculating.
Instead of ejaculating and dispersing the energy, you contain the energy and breathe it up into the higher centers. Over time, this is said to lead to the capacity to become a “multi-orgasmic man”—i.e. one who is able to have multiple full-body orgasms while making love, without ejaculating.
I’ve already begun to get a taste of shades of this ‘full-body orgasm’ experience…
Simply cuddling with Tanja starts to feel immensely pleasurable and at times borderline orgasmic throughout my entire body…
(So imagine how making love feels…)
In the early weeks of doing this practice, it was difficult at times to overcome the urge to induce ejaculation…
But now I’m actually starting to feel like I don’t want to ejaculate…
It feels like, “Why would I want to dissipate this energy and reset this upward-spiraling momentum of luscious connectedness with Tanja and all of life?”
It now feels silly to trade ongoing juicy connectedness, frequent full-body-tingling bliss, and all the other benefits of this practice, for 30 seconds of ejaculatory pleasure.
That’s not to say I’m never going to cum. I’ve read that it’s healthy to do so once every ~6 weeks or so. (Though I’ve also heard of friends and masters of this practice going several months or even many years without ejaculating.)
But it feels like I’m going to be a lot more selective about doing so moving forward. This feels like a permanent shift in the way I relate to my sexual energy.
Shoutout to my brothers CoryaYo and Jonathan MacCaul for speaking so highly of this practice and inspiring me to finally give it a real go.
Blossoming Further into Mature Masculinity, Heart-Centered Leadership, Boundless Trust, and Non-Dual Realization
I feel like this shift that’s taking place is part of a larger shift I’m now experiencing.
Something really ‘clicked’ for me about 7-8 weeks ago in a conversation with Jonathan MacCaul…
He pointed out to me that some of my radically-honest posts were revealing unhealed shadows of the “immature masculine.”
I don’t know why, but when he said this, something beyond the words was transmitted. An energetic epiphany dropped in for me.
I began to see clearly that the primal dragon/kundalini energy that began erupting through me with greater force this year…
Was taking on a somewhat distorted form, as a result of being channeled through unhealed aspects of the immature / shadow masculine within my system…
As such, it ultimately acted as a perfect mirror / amplifier to help me clearly see these disequilibrated aspects within myself…
I was reminded of the ancient Taoist image of Guan Yin, the Goddess of Compassion, riding the dragon…
Reminded that this archetypal image conveys a message of timeless wisdom:
Only the portal of the Open Compassionate Heart is capable of taming / tempering the primal dragon energy, transfiguring it into a great benevolent ally.
Seeing this clearly, I realized that I do not want to be channeling primal dragon/kundalini energy through unhealed shadow aspects of immature masculinity / sexuality.
I realized on a new level that I truly want to be able to channel these primal dragon/kundalini energies through the portal of my Open Heart…
Such that these energies can be utilized skillfully and generatively for the liberation and upliftment of all.
Quite suddenly, a new and more authentic conviction overcame me:
I want to heal on a deeper level. I want to embody heart-centered presence.
Ever since this moment, I feel myself on an upward-spiral—finding a renewed flow.
It feels like all these practices—the tantric practices, clean diet, cacao, heart-tapping, breathwork, meditation, men’s circles, nature walks, etc.—are now synergizing and compounding in a non-linear way.
There are still fluctuations, of course—different sorts of textures that pass through the field.
Yet overall I feel myself becoming transparent to the radiance of being in a new way.
At times I have begun to feel almost translucent, as if “I” am simply floating in a transcendent field of light.
Layers are peeling away, as it is recognized with greater clarity, for longer spans of ‘time,’ that…
The timeless NOW is all there is.
NOW is all I ever have to deal with.
NOW is all I ever have to trust.
If I can trust NOW fully…
If I can open my heart to NOW...
Life is then simply a beautiful flow….
Free to flow how it wishes…
Appreciated as the pure poetry that it is.
I Love You,
P.S. If it is time for you to know beyond doubt that reality is pure magic, apply to join us for Presence of God…
JB is finding his flow again. Keep up with his tomfoolery on TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Telegram, Bandcamp, and Spotify.
(Note: Some of the links above are Amazon affiliate links, meaning that if you click them and buy a book or something else, I receive a small monetary commission.)