yes. boom diggity boom! 100% spot on precious angel/angle of love 'n' light jordan. play-in' dance-in' share-in' give-in et al the goodness graciousness we all are through 'n' through to one in other with ease and grace and joy and glory!

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Thank you, Christine : ) <3 This means a lot, so glad to know others are seeing things similarly. Love the playfulness I feel in your response -- sending Love <3

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i feel the call to the power of 'we the people' touches on the very essence of the American project. That even though what you're calling to is more spiritual perhaps than America's secular founders would voice, it's very much in line with it.

The founding fathers also but a great deal of thought into the constitution, separation of powers & so on. They understood that the proper balancing of these was essential to the health of the nation. Personally, since my earliest political interest and long before the Bernie Sanders campaign I've been interested in what institutional corruption might be the root cause of issues in the united states.

To me the significance of the Kennedy campaign, and to a lesser degree the Trump campaign, is to expose these corruptions. Particularly as relates to the corruption of the health, food, environmental agencies, the corruption of political donation through 'Citizens united'. The use of the courts for 'lawfare' against opposing candidates. The reform of the capture of almost every govt agency by the commercial forces it's supposed to regulate is essential to 'making america healthy again', as much I would say as addressing the soul of America. The two go hand in hand & without a view to institutional corruption, lobbyists and so on you can't actually understand what is going on--as for example was the case during the covid years.

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