i feel the call to the power of 'we the people' touches on the very essence of the American project. That even though what you're calling to is more spiritual perhaps than America's secular founders would voice, it's very much in line with it.

The founding fathers also but a great deal of thought into the constitution, separation of powers & so on. They understood that the proper balancing of these was essential to the health of the nation. Personally, since my earliest political interest and long before the Bernie Sanders campaign I've been interested in what institutional corruption might be the root cause of issues in the united states.

To me the significance of the Kennedy campaign, and to a lesser degree the Trump campaign, is to expose these corruptions. Particularly as relates to the corruption of the health, food, environmental agencies, the corruption of political donation through 'Citizens united'. The use of the courts for 'lawfare' against opposing candidates. The reform of the capture of almost every govt agency by the commercial forces it's supposed to regulate is essential to 'making america healthy again', as much I would say as addressing the soul of America. The two go hand in hand & without a view to institutional corruption, lobbyists and so on you can't actually understand what is going on--as for example was the case during the covid years.

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Thanks for sharing, Jacob -- I always appreciate your rich perspective

What comes up for me here is that Trump already had 4 years -- 1460 days -- in office and I am not aware of any significant headway that was made on the issues you point to.... so I am not sure why this time round would be different... I understand the hope that if RFK is part of his team, maybe RFK will be able to do more... but I'm afraid that feels like a long shot. I don't believe Trump is nearly as 'outside the establishment' as his followers believe... and I believe some of these levels of corruption you're pointing to are so deeply entrenched and backed by so much (hidden) money and power that I'm not convinced Trump and his team will actually even have capacity to do much about it (just as Trump wasn't able to do much in his first term in this respect -- correct me if I'm wrong)

I have more hope in the people themselves actually gaining enough awareness to start saying 'no' to the bullshit -- and demanding/creating new options/pathways for food, health, etc...

My biggest issue with Trump is that I believe the character, integrity, and behavior of the leader of America really matters. I want my daughter to see an American leader who acts like a mature adult. I would not want to tell my daughter that I voted for a man who openly mocks disabled people on TV, constantly lauds his own achievements as the 'greatest ever,' constantly distorts/manipulates or outright lies, disrespects women, openly states that Israel should just 'finish the job' after already killing ~tens of thousands of children, and so on... the president represents an energetic template that the youth of America see and ought to aspire to as an image of what mature leadership looks like -- Trump ain't it. On top of that, I'm just not convinced he would change much of anything -- and there's a significant chance of him making disastrous mistakes, or sending the country into an even more divided tailspin due to his extremely polarizing nature... that is why I do not plan to vote for him.

Currently I don't plan to vote at all. I'm not against voting. I would vote if I liked a candidate and felt they had a chance to win.

For you or anyone else who is curious, I don't like Kamala primarily because I do not trust most Democrats (or Republicans for that matter) at this point. I don't tend to like politicians, as most of them seem compromised -- bought and sold. The current leading Democrats seem especially slimy to me: All talk and no substance. Just more of the same. I believe the Democrats wield power and propaganda in really sneaky/manipulative ways, control more of the media, and have a creeping authoritarian shadow that became really evident during the Covid years. They're also escalating the war in Ukraine currently and have supported/funded the war in Israel -- so they too could easily make disastrous mistakes that precipitate WWIII or other large losses of life

So my view is that I don't like either candidate, for the reasons outlined, and I believe it's basically ludicrous for anyone to claim to know which candidate will actually produce better outcomes. The amount of complexity is staggering. Either candidate could feasibly lead us toward WWIII and/or civil-war-like division/violence within the USA itself -- I have no idea which option will actually lead to 'better' long-term outcomes for Americans, our children, our grandchildren

I also believe the two-party system in America is woefully broken and consistently forces us to choose between two shitty options. So I am hesitant to even participate in and support that corrupted architecture -- but I would, if there were really someone worth voting for

So yeah, those are the basic reasons I plan not to vote in this election. If Trump gets in I hope and pray that he and RFK actually make some headway on what you're pointing to. I wish the best for whoever holds the office. I wish the best for America. God be with us

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yes. boom diggity boom! 100% spot on precious angel/angle of love 'n' light jordan. play-in' dance-in' share-in' give-in et al the goodness graciousness we all are through 'n' through to one in other with ease and grace and joy and glory!

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Thank you, Christine : ) <3 This means a lot, so glad to know others are seeing things similarly. Love the playfulness I feel in your response -- sending Love <3

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