
I'm a new writer on SubStack who just happens to be perusing your work. I do not know your politics but the passages you wrote concerning your stances and what their fundamental importance is was terrific and spellbinding. You are a free thinker and that requires us to be able to choose freely in our actions. Losing one will invariably necessitate the restriction and imposition of the other; to put it more simply, they control your choices now as the precedent needed to destroy your hopes and dreams tomorrow.

I do not think it is an oversell to say that our autonomy is at stake in the current culture and political movements drawing battle lines today. Ironically the polarizing effects bandied forward by increased presence and usage of social media in our everyday lives, which became a boon for those tech companies, helping to increase time online by user and overall traffic, is now the biggest threat to our country's continued solvency. The censorship is a means of wiring our jaws shut and never allowing the communication necessary for healing to come, even in this moment in human life where it feels we are finding more common ground in our shared fears and increased perception of the escalating dangers that threaten to spin our world like a top until it collapses.

In times of great peril, mimicry is one of the safest feelings available to lost souls. Amazing then to see the comments you endured here just a few short months ago and the reprehensible and arrogant way they address your stance on this issue. People don't need much to become unhinged so far that they fail to realize they are the extreme ones and their crusade comes against moderation and common sense. I believe when the governance and the major companies in a state act in such rash fashion, that a number of the populous will take heed and follow suit, almost the same way one sleepwalks. Completely unaware and most centrally concerned with leaving a mark on you during their attack, they came for you just the same as they would for a megalomaniacal figure out of history.

The way you rebuffed them and stood in the light was terrific and I wanted most of all to celebrate that by writing this to you.

I am one of those stubborn fools who would likely be gone had I given in to the onslaught, or were my life different at the time of all of the events happening. By chance I was recently unemployed and in no need of it for any conditional purpose, which I might have caved to under different headwinds. My father at 70 has autoimmune conditions we share and diseases in remission that make me sure that he had no chance of survival had he been given the series. I owe much to people like yourself who came forward to speak boldly or share their awful tragedy in a moment where great consequences stood to be given out by doing so.

We have to have free will to have a free world. We are far away still but we will never stop dreaming and daring for the best of our energies to push through and create the world we all desire.

Thank you Jordan!

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Thank you, brother 💙💙💙 Much appreciated

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Thanks for sharing with NLS :)

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welcome : ) for those curious Taylor is referring to No Limits Society, which we are both in https://www.civilizationupgraders.com/society

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Studies have shown that you are much more likely to get a blood clot from Covid 19 then you are from the vaccine. https://fortune.com/2021/08/27/youre-far-more-likely-to-get-a-blood-clot-from-covid-than-from-a-covid-vaccine-study-reveals/

Millions of people have received the vaccine and out of that A tiny percentage get adverse effects which is extremely rare.

Also, the vast majority of people who die from Covid now are unvaccinated which shows that the vaccines do work. https://www.npr.org/2021/09/10/1036023973/covid-19-unvaccinated-deaths-11-times-more-likely?t=1631629429125

Regarding vaccine passports, even if they do come to fruition is not going to force people to get vaccines. They can still choose not to go to nightclubs or pubs. And they can still get a short-term Covid pass from having 2 negative tests. You don't have to have the vaccine to get a pass.

You don't seem to have thought about this from the view of vulnerable people, like myself. Vaccine passports would make me feel a lot more confident about going into crowded places like nightclubs if I knew that everyone else was vaccinated. If I get Covid it would probably not turn out well for me.

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i'm in favor of ppl getting vaxxed if they feel it's best for them... just not in favor of ppl being forced to do so... for those of us not concerned about getting Covid because we're young and healthy, it doesn't make sense to get vaxxed, especially since 1) it doesn't stop the spread and 2) the other reasons i cited in the article [vax deaths, adverse effects, etc]

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Where do you get the info that it doesn't stop the spread? Are you saying that because it doesn't stop the spread in 100% of the cases, then it doesn't stop it at all? Are you insane? Of course it stops the spread (as well as stops people from going to the hospital, dying and having adverse effects). Vax deaths and adverse effects need to be compared to deaths and adverse effects of NOT getting the vaccine. And the numbers are very, extremely, undoubtedly clear on that.

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The CDC chief has even said it doesn't stop the spread, my friend: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/08/05/health/us-coronavirus-thursday/index.html

Read this for more data: https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/leaky-vaccines-super-spreads-and

The numbers aren't as clear as you'd think... the official numbers (which must be questioned due to many proven accounts of illegitimacies in the way C-19 deaths have been counted) suggest 60 per 100,000 people globally have died of C-19, while the numbers in the US suggest 6 per 100,000 people have self-reported (their families reported it) death shortly after taking the vaccine -- how many more did not self-report because they didn't know this option existed?

You also have to consider that the vast majority who die of C-19 are already elderly or unwell. For you, healthy people there is virtually no risk, so why force them to get an experimental injection that doesn't stop the spread?

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You mentioned that 11,000 people have died because of the vaccines but you don't mention the number of people that DIDN'T die. 179 million people have been vaccinated in the US so far. So 11,000/179,000,000 = 0.00006145251. A tiny number.

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that's still 6 per 100,000 -- not negligible at all... why *force* people to take this risk? why not let people choose?

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Studies have shown that vaccines do reduce transmission of the virus. So if everyone was vaccinated then it would reduce the spread a lot https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-02054-z

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that article is from July my friend... since then, cases in Israel have exploded (https://theconversation.com/israel-was-a-leader-in-the-covid-vaccination-race-so-why-are-cases-spiralling-there-166945) -- same with the UK, which also had a high vax rate... the vaccine's effectiveness diminishes over time and if it does slow down the spread at first, the long-term effects on slowing the spread are entirely unclear.... once again, i will vigorously defend your right to inject yourself with whatever you wish -- i am simply asking for the same freedom. this is my key point

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why? if the vaccines work, why would you care? also, vaccinated ppl can still spread the virus

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The vaccines are not 100% effective. You can still get Covid even if you are double vaccinated but is much less likely. I only have 50% lung function so Covid could cause more problems for me than the average person. Studies have shown that the vaccines do reduce transmission, just not completely

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so you want everyone to be forced to get an mRNA injection that could kill them, just so you can feel safer?

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I never said I wanted people to be forced. You are misrepresenting my argument (straw man fallacy). Correction: I want people to get a Vaccine that is extremely unlikely to kill them but will make it much less likely that they will die from Covid.

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ok, apologies, i assumed you were attempting to refute the main point of the essay, which is that *forcing* people to get an experimental injection is tyrannical, especially given the many valid reasons to be skeptical ... i support your right to get it and to want others to get it. i am simply not in favor of coercion

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Hey Alex, are you a pharma salesman? Or just indoctrinated from living in the USA or Canada? I say that because the USA is the most drugged country in the world and allows advertising on TV which is shocking (but seems normal for USA folk). The amount of self appointed volunteers doing the big pharma groundwork, for free, is astounding. Citing sites and studies that are bought and paid for by the billion dollar companies that you directly or indirectly work for. The 'Studies have shown brigade'. Feel free to be triggered, I am giving an outsider's perspective to the fantasy world being created by the mainstream media. The difference however is that in the USA & Canada, the C19 fear campaign is still peaking, whilst around the world it is just 'Friday', and common people are waking up to the blatant tyranny narrative. Israel has all you need to know about vaxed people getting C19. What about India, Mexico and other countries using prevention. Yes, prevention exists, yet anyone who is politically associated with the vax narrative feels entitled to ignore a Nobel prize winning medicine because CNN (pharma's mouthpiece) discredits it. Making jokes and acting smug, whilst having exclusive rights to push a one-way strategy of perpetual vax - just like the 'chronic' strategy that has the whole USA on multiple drugs. It is amazing to hear intelligent people believe their own bullshit. Unbelievable. Celebrating herd mentality and cancelling opposition or open dialogue. Additionally, it is very easy for the pharma foot soldiers to operate right now with the big tech censorship, & big pharma fact checkers, all paving the way and promoting all the paid for studies, content and group think propaganda that you all need for your hypnotic self righteousness. It must be noted that this is a very false sense of security. Backing the wrong horse whilst Pied Piper-ing your way to the cliff. All of it for what? Dystopia. Perpetual chemicals injected into your body. An artificial future by choice - a literal FU to your creator, allowing proven criminal companies to govern your body and control your access and movement. This is where it all ends, the demise of big pharma has fully commenced. But wait... 'Studies have shown... gtfooh

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It's a cost benefit analysis. I want doctors to go to work even if there's a chance they'll die in a car accident (probably likelier than dying from a vaccine). It's all about a cost-benefit analysis. Something good doesn't have to be good 100% of the time to 100% of the people. Vaccines are not about protecting individuals vaccinated, they're about protecting a large group (yes, of individuals). If you "force" people to vaccinate, you'll end up with a lot fewer deaths, adverse effects and economic damage. The cost of taking the vaccine, or "forcing" it is so small that it is absolutely worth it. You're advocating for the freedom of not wearing safety belts or the freedom to bring a bomb to an airplane. You're wrong about what freedom means.

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your comparison is fallacious. the situation is not nearly as cut-and-dry as in the case of seat belts/bombs on airplanes.

the vaccines don't stop the spread; they cause adverse effects or death in a large %; we don't know the long-term effects of this mRNA treatment; 99.94% of people have not died from C-19; 99% survive it (not so in the case of a high-speed car accident or plane bombing) — why *force* people to take something when there are this many reasonable reasons to be skeptical, especially if you're a healthy person who isn't worried about the virus and understands that getting vaxxed won't stop you from spreading it?

where does this slippery slope lead? one justification after another, and then what? forcing unvaxxed people to live in concentration camps?

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Requiring people to wash hands before eating is not a breach of freedom. The Vaccine Revolt was over 100 years ago and, yes, it was a little authoritarian, but it saved millions of lives. Vaccines are probably the only part of medicine worth funding, the only one with positive externalities and great, measurable ROI. This is not about a serum that makes you or any individual self immortal; it's about not drinking water filled with lead — and alleging that removing that lead is removing a basic freedom. It is not. It's just a fucking vaccine. Some deactivated virus that is less deadly than the activated one that will murder our children if you let it. The US is getting behind on vaccination rates and it's a shame. This is a solvable problem, and people — by exercising their freedom — are choosing not to solve it. You are part of the problem and you are amplifying a suicide-cult belief, together with the big woo language and metaphysical, unfalsifiable discourse. Shame on you. The bad thing about witch-hunting is the fact that it leads to burning innocent non-witches. Burning real witches is, not only fine, but actually necessary — if they are threatening out safety and that of our friends and family.

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thx for trying to shame me. love you too

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I think you should be ashamed because you're commiting a big mistake.

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Our grandchildren and/or great grand children will be looking back at history seeing how we overcame medical tyranny, NOT how we rolled over to medical tyranny. Your stance is based in disempowered weakness, relying on criminal companies and corrupt governments to exist, but have no life. We are nature, nature is us - choosing the artificial route is against the natural order. And, the big surprise of what is in store for pro-experimenters is still to come.

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lol, did you even read the post?

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I did, it was painful. It made me ask myself why I was subscribed to your substack. I don't see why you're lol'ing. You have grossly misunderstood the meaning of freedom and the facts on vaccination. Unfortunately I'm having a hard time bringing myself to be as civil as I would like, and for that I'm sorry. Hopefully others can do a better job at educating you. Good luck!

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Painful, because the truth hurts? Or because your ego does not allow you to consider any information outside of your born-again-church-of-pharma religious duties? Earth wins always. Nature will destroy humanity, like the cancer that we currently are, if we continue to choose the artificial route. This is the turning point. You can educate yourself on all the protected and strategically placed propaganda to fit your Dystopia, or join those who remain faithful to the natural order. And please, don't feel the need to act Civil (a very condescending and self righteous sentence, has to be said). Show us your teeth, let's see what you got?

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