You’re ready.
The time is now.
Let’s go.
Yes, YOU. : ) 🔥
Now is not the time on Earth to be hiding.
Now is not the time to be keeping your creative genius all to yourself.
Now is not the time to be hiding in an endless ‘healing journey’ loop so you never have to stand up and lead.
You can heal while stepping up, you see.
NOW is the time to SHARE!
NOW is the time to let yourself be SEEN!
NOW is the time to spread wide your full Peculiar Peacock’s Tail of Rainbow Feathers!
NOW is the time to CREATE that which flows from your HEART and SOUL!
We NEED you, you see.
We NEED your Medicine.
We NEED the codes and transmissions that only YOU carry.
We NEED to FEEL the unique expression of GOD’S LOVE that you ARE.
We NEED to viscerally KNOW what GOD’S LOVE feels like when it’s channeled through the inimitable instrument of YOU.
This world has largely forgotten God’s Love, my friend.
Forgotten that God’s Love is what we ARE.
The meta-solution to humanity’s giant laundry list of apparent problems is to RECONNECT to GOD’S LOVE.
RECONNECT to what is TRUE.
YOU can help us do that, my friend.
You can!
By letting us FEEL that indestructible LOVE channeled through the vessel of YOU-NESS.
REMIND us of that LOVE, my friend.
We are starving for it.
We are so thirsty for it.
We are stumbling along in a lonely desert blindly flailing about, searching for the oasis of God’s Loving Grace.
Help us find it!
This LOVE that we ARE, is the NON-LINEAR META-SOLUTION to all the world’s ills.
Through this LOVE, all things are possible.
Through this LOVE, seemingly insurmountable problems dissolve as innovative solutions materialize from nowhere.
I am here to help you. 🔥
I am here to help you CONNECT powerfully, directly, and authentically to this LOVE that you ARE…
And I am here to help you ACTIVATE your capacity to prolifically CREATE from this LOVE.
I am here to help you IGNITE your capacity to CHANNEL this LOVE through the unique instrument of your being, in the way that only YOU can. 🔥
I do this in many ways.
I do it through these writings.
I do it through videos.
I do it through my music.
Yet there is only so much that I can do through these mass-broadcasted mediums.
I cannot PERSONALIZE an experience for YOU through these mediums…
I cannot HOLD YOU ACCOUNTABLE through these mediums…
Through these mediums I cannot help you set up an actual STRUCTURE in which you COMMIT to take big ACTION…
And I cannot FOLLOW UP with you to ensure you actually make good on your commitments.
I cannot help you set up clear ‘accountability consequences’ and ‘training practices’ that you commit to undertake in the event that you do not follow through on your commitments.
These are all things that I can do for you inside of one of my containers.
My 1:1 coaching work is naturally going to be the most personalized and attuned to your specific journey, blocks, hang-ups, patterns, identity structures, and needs.
And for the men reading this, there’s also a lot that I can do within Brothers of the Ever Innocent Heart.
If you missed it…
The other day I announced something new…
A new Accelerator & Mentorship that is specifically designed to support Creators & Leaders in birthing their Creative Legacy from the Heart and Soul…
It’s called…
If you’re ready to LEVEL UP your capacity to…
CREATE from the SOUL
Consistently SHIP your work out into the world
Generate income from your creative projects
True Creation Accelerator is designed for you.
WHATEVER you’re creating from the heart and soul—art, courses, music, coaching programs, retreats, communities, technologies, businesses, 1:1 containers, etc…
ANYTHING that is wanting to flow from your heart and soul into this world…
TCA is here to help you GET IT OUT.
Consistently. Ongoingly.
Read the vision page to understand how TCA will do this.
This is for those of you who *KNOW* that weekly live sessions + a clear accountability/commitment structure + support + an international community of awesome creators + ongoing inspirational-motivational FIRE…
Is definitely going to ignite you to take your creative projects to the next level.
And *actually* get your stuff out into the world.
Or catapult you to get *MORE* of your creative work out into the world—more regularly, more systematically, with the capacity to finish and ship larger projects.
Honestly, if this resonates…
If you know you’re ready to be more creatively generative…
This is really a no-brainer. : )
Only $38/month if you join by July 1st.
40-day money-back guarantee.
For the price of one nice restaurant meal per month…
You can become part of something that will *DRAMATICALLY AMPLIFY* your creative output…
Allowing you to finally *birth your Creative Legacy* in the way you dream of doing.
If you show up fully, of course. You still have to put in the work.
The time is NOW. 🔥
You’re ready.
The time is now.
Let’s go.
Planet Earth needs your gifts.
If you’re ready to incinerate your blocks and MAKE THINGS HAPPEN…
If you’re ready to CREATE from your HEART and SOUL…
If you’re ready to learn to Love ALL OF YOURSELF in the process…
I’m your guy.
Let’s make magic.
If you FEEL this…
If you KNOW that you FEEL this…
If you’re scared to admit it yet deep down you KNOW these words touch your heart and IGNITE something in you…
Then I double-dog-dare you to join TCA right now for $38/month. : )
Officially we don’t start till July 1st, but if you join now you’ll be rewarded:
You’ll get immediate access to OUROBOROS School of Liberation & Leadership — 12 Courses & Resources by Jordan Bates to IGNITE you toward a Radically Free Life of True Purpose
You’ll be invited to the digital TCA community on Telegram where you can already join the party, ASK ME ANYTHING, get personalized feedback, and GET MOVING
I will send you PREPARATION QUESTIONS & CLARITY EXERCISES for you to start gearing up and preparing to get the MOST out of this RIDICULOUSLY POWERFUL ACCELERATOR
I love you.
Thank you for being you, exactly as you are.
You are pure poetry and medicine for this Earth.
Thank you for keeping the faith.
Thank you for walking the path.
Love & Creativity,
Jordan Bates
Leadership & Creativity Coach
Authenticity | Integrity | Love | Power | Freedom
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Jordan Bates is a leadership coach specializing in creativity, authenticity, pragmatic wisdom, grounded spirituality, psychedelic integration, & holistic life mastery. He is also a teacher, writer, mystic, artist, rapper, space-holder, and celebrator of God. He offers one-to-one coaching, men’s circles, self-guided courses, & retreats—and now also offers True Creation Accelerator.
Find Jordan elsewhere: His Website | His Courses | Telegram | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | Spotify Music — (Jordan Bates / Goku the Wizard King / LOSTBOYEVSKY) | Spotify Podcast | Bandcamp | TikTok