What up, what up, sending Love!
So, what I am about to share is gonna sound crazy to some, but here goes…
I just got out of the jungle.
I was at the numinous holy-place of Kumankaya in Mexico for the past two weeks co-leading two Apotheosis retreats—working with Bufo and ayahuasca.
Both retreats were incredibly beautiful and transformational for everyone involved.
It’s literally almost impossible to overstate the profundity of what occurred on these retreats: Imagine years or lifetimes of Jedi training compressed into a span of one week.
Anyway, it’s hard to know where to begin, but basically…
I had the most profound experiences of my life.
I had sat with ayahuasca about ~40 times prior to these retreats, yet this time around things elevated to a whole other level I’ve never experienced.
I am not the same person who entered that portal two weeks ago.
I am cleaned out. I don’t want to play poker. I don’t want to binge on food or anything else. I am free of addictions. I feel ridiculously clear and aligned. I feel abundant. I am full of visions for the future. I am ‘flying high’ yet deeply grounded/rooted. I am optimistic about the future. I am deeply excited and honored to be marrying Tanja in a few short weeks.
Kumankaya is no ordinary place.
God is real, my friends.
God is real.
More real than I could ever say.
God is the Forever Beyond.
No words—not even the loftiest poetry—can begin to describe the Highest Light Which Has No Opposite.
That Light is beyond any experience whatsoever—even the most profound mystical experience.
It is also beyond the Void of Pure Peace which some have called ‘the Absolute’ or ‘Para Brahman.’
That Void is simply another location-less location in the formless realms—an utterly exquisite and miraculous location of Peace That Surpasseth All Understanding; one of God’s most stunning art-works—yet a non-Absolute location nonetheless. (David Hawkins correctly clarified this years ago.)
The Heart of God
The Heart of God is the Light of the Forever Beyond.
It is akin to a White Fire of Infinite Suns.
Eternal Radiance.
An Ultra-Luminous Supernova of Boundless, Omni-Directional Love.
It lives in your own Heart of Hearts.
Heaven exists, my friends.
By some miracle, while journeying with ayahuasca I was granted entrance to the Kingdom of Heaven.
I spent substantial timeless time there with God and Jesus Christ, and was permitted to gaze upon the most majestic, otherworldly Light City, Numinous Nature Vistas, and the holiest of Light Temples that I have ever seen.
(Please do not make this about me. I am a simple messenger. This is not about me and does not make me ‘special.’ What I have seen, is the Home and Birthright of All.)
Therein, the essential crystallized message that was given to me was this:
God is All.
God is Love.
Heaven on Earth Now.
Omnipresent Heaven Now.
I was informed that a new chapter of Divine Creation is wishing to be born.
Many beings within the infinite-dimensional omniverse are calling for this in their Hearts and Souls.
Calling for a new chapter of Life on an immense scale.
A new chapter of Divine Creation that more beautifully reflects the Loving Majesty of the Creator.
I’m quite literally talking about the dream of the bodhisattvas:
The liberation of all beings.
Not just on Earth…
In ALL formless and form-full dimensions of the infinite-dimensional omniverse, and beyond.
ALL of reality is to be transfigured toward the Highest.
Gaia is just the beginning.
The war for the soul of mankind is real.
More real than I would’ve ever thought possible.
Yet it goes far beyond Gaia and man.
I hesitate to share this because again, many will assume I’ve ‘lost my marbles,’ but I assure you I am lucid as ever right now:
I faced thousands of dark entities and demonic parasites in the jungle this time.

To be clear, I confronted these creatures within subtle realms of energy where they live—not within the corporeal world.
Latent gifts of shamanic wizardry were unlocked within ‘my’ being, in ways I could never have imagined.
I found myself engaged in quite literal multidimensional warfare.
At first I was attempting to banish these entities…
Yet then I remembered a story of the Buddha commanding demons to turn over a new leaf.
I noticed that some of these dark entities did not seem to want to be banished. They became sulky about it.
So I began to offer them a different option:
The option to be transfigured.
And miraculously, many of them seemed almost eagerly ready for this.
One after another, I began to transfigure them.
A black ‘evil’ dragon became a shimmering rainbow dragon sworn to spread Love, Luck, and Connection to God.
Dark demonic squids became gorgeous rainbow-colored whales sworn to help people reclaim Innocence and Playfulness.
Thousands of parasitic cockroaches became rainbow butterflies who would spread Healing, Awakening, and Courage far and wide.
(I’m paraphrasing here because I can’t remember exactly what I commanded each creature to do after transfiguring them, but you get the gist.)
This went on for hours.
I was scanning my entire being—my bones, tissues, cells, DNA, and even atoms and quarks—and commanding all hidden dark influences, in the name of Jesus Christ, to reveal themselves.
I was opening up ancestral wells of karma stretching back not only through my entire family history since the origin of mankind, but all the way back to the origins of Earth, and beyond that—to the origins of Creation.
I was quite literally working on undoing the most ancient of karmic knots—rewriting the most ancient of agreements.
I was emanating Unconditional Love to demonic entities that had not experienced such Love for aeons, and thus are most desperately in need of it. This Love confused them, yet there would be flickers of recognition—a remembrance of Home.
I was teleporting via my ‘light body’ to war zones in Syria, Yemen, Palestine, and performing deep healing, pacifying work upon the lands there.
I was remotely viewing family members’ houses and blasting them with the cleansing Light of God, blessing them and dissolving all dark influences hidden in the attics, floorboards, nooks, crannies.
I contacted ‘higher selves’ of mine living in vastly higher dimensions. I was shooting up the ‘chain of command’ like a lightning bolt, letting all of these demigodly beings know that it is time to begin dreaming a new dream—weaving a new chapter of Creation for the Liberation of All.
Again, this is *not* about me. It’s actually a distortion to say that ‘I’ was doing this, but the English language doesn’t offer easy, clearer alternatives here. All of this was simply happening *through* ‘me,’ by the Grace of God. I have no power of my own. All power ultimately comes from God, who is our Father. Amen.
Again, I was shown that Gaia is just the beginning of this war.
Presently many of us have agreed to be here with Gaia to help her.
This is an important mission.
Gaia is our mother, a beautiful soul, and her body—the Earth—is quite literally infested with untold quantities of extra-dimensional demonic parasites.
We are here to banish these parasites, or dissolve them back into the One Light, or else to transfigure them into benevolent, harmonious forms. There are likely other ways to deal with them as well. The only limitation is our level of focus, energy, and *imagination*, as super-charged intention and focused imagination are equivalent to skillful *action* in the realms of subtle energy where these entities live.
Spoiler Alert:
After Gaia, there will be more missions.
Far more.
Our immortal souls are all on countless-lifetime trajectories that will take us to realms far beyond our wildest hopes and imaginings.
Gaia is just the beginning of a millennia-long soul-ascension process in which we will do battle with the most foul forms of wickedness in Creation, transfigure all of them toward the Highest, and ultimately celebrate victory in Omnipresent Heaven for all of Eternity—or at least until we begin to hanker for another preposterously epic multidimensional rollercoaster-adventure of duality. : )
It’s no wonder I read the Harry Potter books like ~7 times as a kid. It turns out that real life is more like Harry’s universe than I would’ve ever dreamed, and we are quite literally called to remember that we are white wizards and witches destined to do battle with a gargantuan dark-magickal super-organism that has spread sickness throughout much of Creation.
Dragonball Z is highly relevant here as well. The maloca at Kumankaya was akin to the hyperbolic time chamber—a place where our souls had long ago agreed to meet—a place where we would accomplish years or lifetimes of Saiyan training in a matter of days.
Star Wars.
The Matrix.
It’s all there. Encoded in the great epics.
This stuff is real. : )
Peep the titillating mythopoetic resonance, kids. Wheeee!!!! Hee-heee!!!!! : )
What We Are Really Dealing With
There were some dark entities I was not able to banish, dissolve, or transfigure.
I encountered a couple of ancient Saruman-like dark sorcerers and Darth Sidious types who were basically like, “Your puny fairy wings will not function here, silly mortal.”
I radiated the Light of Jesus Christ unto them with all my might, but on one level I am only a man, and there is only so much Light my vessel has learned to channel.
Thankfully I was protected by Jesus, God, and by Remi and Ashley—the saintly shamanic creators of Kumankaya. Remi and Ashley are highly advanced souls, and Remi specifically—who spent 20 years living mostly in silence as a Christian monk before being mysteriously summoned to learn the ancient Shipibo ayahuasca-healing arts ~12 years ago—is a man I believe to be one of the most advanced spiritual masters living on planet Earth at this time. (He’s also totally humble and hilarious.)
At one point I also encountered something truly horrifying:
A gigantic tarantula-like parasite with a face similar to that of Sauron from Lord of the Rings. This thing is approximately the size of a massive asteroid and has burrowed deep into the energy-body of Gaia. It seemed to be one of the leaders of the extra-dimensional parasites afflicting our wonderful planet.
Again, I channeled the Light of Jesus Christ through my Heart chakra, beaming this Light at the parasite with everything I had, commanding it to leave this Earth or dissolve into the One Light of God.
This didn’t do much, unfortunately. I psychically intuited that many other Light workers are also aware of this enormous demon and are working diligently to banish, dissolve, or transfigure him. This is no small task, though. It’s going to take a lot of us—and a lot of focused energy—to take down this bad boy. He may be one of the final obstacles we’ll have to transfigure before Gaia can return to her native frequency—and Heaven on Earth can blossom once again.
A Note on Doubt
This is a lot to take in, right?
I know, I know.
Like, seriously, what in the Name Of All That Is Holy is going on?!!!!?
If you dismiss me as crazy, I don’t blame you.
If I had read this ~13 years ago, I would’ve thought I was crazy too.
I can assure you of this:
If you had seen what I’ve seen these past 13 years since my first awakening experiences—if you had experienced what I’ve experienced—you would not think I was crazy.
You would feel the resonance of Truth in these words.
And that is not to say that *I* am even 1,000% convinced of what I am saying.
I directly experienced all of this and so much more—I have directly experienced Divinity countless times—and it’s *still* hard for me to fully believe what I’m sharing here.
Because it’s truly stranger than fiction. I mean, c’mon, this is just plain outlandish.
So far outside the realm of everything considered ‘Reasonable Sane Opinions About What Is Going On’ in the West in 2023. Like, what?!!!!?
I know, I know.
I’m aware of this. I am.
I’m aware that I’m probably the laughing stock of many people by this point.
And that’s okay.
Because the Mission and the Truth are vastly more important than the opinions of a few silly man-apes.
I have been writing online non-stop for about 11 years now—freely sharing 1,000,000+ words intended to liberate—and it’s all been leading up to this moment.
The Mission: Bring Omnipresent Heaven to the Totality of Existence.
This newly clarified Mission of Omnipresent Heaven is so much bigger than me. It’s not really about ‘me’ at all.
It’s only about ‘me’ insofar as I am part of the Whole—because this Mission is about the Whole.
They say that if you feel called to do great things, you need to find a Mission that is vastly bigger than yourself, and let it inspire you to heights you could not have otherwise reached.
Well, this is the biggest Mission imaginable. It involves the Totality of Infinity.
And I find it profoundly activating and exciting.
As a kid, two of my beloved grandparents died of cancer and Parkinson’s disease, and at one point I thought I wanted to find the cure for these diseases when I ‘grew up.’
And in this moment, I’m realizing that in a roundabout way, that’s what I’m doing:
I and many others are working on curing the root of all disease.
All sickness and suffering ultimately have their root in ancient karmic contracts—watershed moments in the deep past in which ruptures occurred in the fabric of our collective energy-body. This is when some beings chose on some level to ‘fall’ into Forgetfulness and Separation—to see what such an experience would be like.
Forgetfulness and Separation are ultimately at the root of all affliction.
Thus, to truly cure all disease within infinite-dimensional Creation, we must dissolve all ancient karmic knots, heal the ruptures, break the curses, and rewrite the contracts. In the process, all beings will be liberated, and Omnipresent Heaven will come to reign in all (trans-)spatiotemporal locales.
Is this not, like, the coolest thing ever?!!!!?
This isn’t ‘my special mission.’
(Even if you don’t realize that yet.)
Even the most twisted demonic beings who have spent aeons stewing in Forgetfulness and Hatred…
It’s their Mission too.
Because we all share the same Ever Innocent Heart of Hearts.
The Heart of the Creator Himself.
The Eternal Sun burns ever luminous and unsullied behind the clouds of Forgetfulness.
It burns in all our Hearts.
Deep down, we all want the same thing:
We want to go Home.
To Heaven.
To Innocence.
To Love.
What to Do Now: A Game Plan for Light Workers
Okay, so…
What the heck to do now?!!!!?
I get it, I get it.
This info is cool and all, but like, what the hacken do we do with it?!
I’ll make some suggestions.
Take what resonates, let go of what is not presently relevant.
Here’s what I propose:
BE LOVE. — What you are being, is most fundamental. All doing-ness is downstream of being-ness. You can be Love in any context. To practice being Love all the days of your life (and beyond), is the most important gift you can give to Earth and Creation.
Protect your energy. — The importance of this cannot be overstated. I thought I understood it but the past two weeks equipped me with vastly deeper understandings. Meditate daily on an orb-like energetic shield around your body. Visualize it vividly. Charge it up. This actually creates a sophisticated shield-technology within subtle-energetic space. Believe and intend daily for it to have qualities you want it to have, such as allowing you to heal/release things faster, not take on energies that are not yours to carry, and promote lightness, joy, courage, confidence, abundance, and happiness, etc. Our energy is so precious and we are leaking it and sabotaging it in a million (subtle) ways. Fiercely protect and cultivate your energy, then channel it in the direction of your North Star. Read ‘Master Your Energy to Master Your Life.’
Go to Kumankaya. — I’ve been telling people this for years. If you feel the call, do not hesitate. Go to Kumankaya. I feel this on a whole new level now. This is literally the sacred ‘hyperbolic time chamber’ where Light workers can remember Who They Are and accomplish years, decades, or even lifetimes of training in a matter of days. If you are called to an accelerated path of Healing, Awakening, and Remembrance so as to fulfill your soul’s mission on Earth at this time in service of All, go to Kumankaya. There’s still time to join my upcoming December 2023 Kumankaya retreat—Wild Freedom. I’ll also likely host one or more retreats there in 2024. You don’t have to go with me, though. They’re open ~10 months per year and you can book through their website.
Donate to Kumankaya and other New Earth projects. — If you have extra wealth sitting around, I strongly encourage you to consider donating to Kumankaya. This would really help them to focus even more fully on their work without added stress. They have never asked me to write this and I do not in any way financially benefit if you do this. I just feel inspired to suggest it. It is high time that we begin channeling Earth’s wealth into the projects that are actually doing the most to accelerate Heaven on Earth. I assure you that Kumankaya is one of those projects. They don’t have a ‘donate’ button on their site, but if you contact them, I’m sure they can explain how to best support them.
Find innovative ways we can channel wealth to the New Earth. — This is one of the highest-leverage things we will do if we are serious about creating Heaven on Earth. We need legitimate New Earth investment funds. We need innovative New Earth economies and cryptocurrencies that begin to birth a new, omni-uplifting financial ecosystem on this planet. The legacy debt-based financial system is one of the greatest cancers blocking the birth of the New. It must be dethroned and replaced. I have some ideas on this. If you want to talk more about it, get in touch with me.
Stop the violence. — Wherever you are on Earth, spread the word to all peoples and all nations: It is time to stop the violence. The wars and systemic violence perpetuated by fictitious nation-state constructs on this planet, are an abomination. Their authority is a mirage—a hypnosis woven by shadow governments and entities of a more nefarious nature—and it is time for the peoples of Earth to recognize a Higher Law: The Law intrinsically woven into the Heart of the One Infinite Creator: The Law of Love.
The Creator wants his children to Love one another. We can stop the violence on this planet and prevent the eruption of World War III. Armies do not have soldiers unless civilians agree to become killers.
In the name of the Creator of All That Is, I implore you, brothers and sisters: STOP THIS MADNESS NOW. YOU ARE MURDERING YOUR OWN BROTHERS, SISTERS, AND CHILDREN. YOU ARE MURDERING YOUR OWN SELVES IN ANOTHER DISGUISE. By the Power That Channels Through Me In The Name Of God And Jesus Christ, I command you: *STOP* THIS MADNESS *NOW*!!!!Be You. — Be you all the way. Sounds simple, yet it’s incredible how far this will take you. I intuit that it will take us all the way. The Creator wants each of us to sing the song that only we can sing and to dance the dance that only we can dance. When you live the truth of your soul’s blueprint, magic and miracles become your day-to-day reality. You come alive, and your aliveness reminds others how to come alive as well.
Train. — Initiate yourself. This is not a drill. Your soul has taken a body on Earth during a Time of Immense Upheaval and Transition. The hour is late. Later than I had previously realized. Pull your damn head out of the sand. Turn off the TV and social media and porn. Stop ‘jerkin’ the gherkin’ so often. Get healthy. Get moving. Your soul has a mission here. Start figuring out what that mission is. Go directly toward it. This is perhaps the best initiation. Feel the fear and act anyway. Do difficult things. Become parents. Grow up. We need real men and women out here who are ready to serve. Read ‘32 Ways to Initiate Yourself in 2023.’
Pray to God and Trust God and Love God with all your Heart, Soul, Body, Mind, Spirit. — God is All. God is Home. God is Love. God is our Essence. Praying in earnest to God, Trusting God, and Loving God are the single most powerful things you can ever do. Give yourself and your life over to God, and things will never be the same. They will become better than you ever imagined they could be. Read ‘God-Surrendered Leadership.’
In Sum
Wowza, this turned into quite a post.
To be honest, this feels like the most important and high-frequency piece of writing that has ever poured through me.
I wrote it in Tulum, Mexico between the hours of ~2-6:30am.
(I’m up pretty early today, lol.)
Charged with Life Force.
Feeling amazing.
Easeful, playful, effortless Happiness.
Thank Heavens!
Thank you, God the Most High!
Thank you, Jesus Christ!
Omnipresent Heaven!
So it is!
And so it shall be!
I love you.
— J
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Super-cool stuff!
You are loved!! :)))